Image Reveal Animation With GSAP

An “Image Reveal Animation with GSAP” typically refers to a web development project where GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) is used to create an engaging and visually appealing animation effect that reveals an image in a dynamic and interactive way. GSAP is a popular JavaScript library for creating high-performance animations on the web.

Overall, an “Image Reveal Animation with GSAP” combines the power of GSAP’s animation capabilities with creative design to deliver a visually striking and user-friendly experience on the web.

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					<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

    .reveal {
       overflow: hidden;


    let revealContainers = document.querySelectorAll(".reveal");

    revealContainers.forEach((container) => {
      let image = container.querySelector("img");
      let tl = gsap.timeline({
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: container,
          toggleActions: "restart none none reset",
          start: "top 50%",
          end: "bottom 20%"

      tl.set(container, { autoAlpha: 1 });
      tl.from(container, 1.5, {
        opacity: 0,
        ease: Power2.out
      tl.from(image, 1.5, {
        opacity: 0,
        scale: 1.3,
        delay: -1.5,
        ease: Power2.out
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